Home documentation page
# Home documentation page for the doorcode/elock system.
## About
The documentation is in four parts for the frontend, the backend API, the controller code, and how
the previous three parts work together.
This is because they are fairly segmented and were separate projects worked on by different people.
Jacob Priddy wrote the initial backend API and controller projects while Jarod Owen wrote the initial
web frontend.
## Documentation Portal
- [General Structure](structure.md)
- [Frontend](frontend)
- [API](api) |
\ No newline at end of file |
- [API](api.md)
- [Controller](controller.md)
## Some General Terminology
- A `door controller` is the device inside each door that is connected to the keypad.
- `Elock` is used synonymously with `doorcode`. `Elock` is an older term while `doorcode` is a newer name. |