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  • Walterio Montanez's avatar
    # Group Project: Star Map Project · 2fbb7b6e
    Walterio Montanez authored
    ## Problem Definition
    The goal for this project is to create a map of constellations for specific times and places.
    For this project the user will input certain information such as the time, their location on the
    planet and the program will return the constellations in the sky at the given time and some information
    about the constellation.
    __Key Features__
    * Location
    * Coordinate
    * Major Cities
    * Constellation
    * Information on the constellation
    We will not be including every single city on the planet but only
    the major ones over different countries and time zones.
    ## Group Members
    * Brandon Reid
    * Moses Montanez
    * Elizabeth Ventura
    * Eric Walsh
    * Elon Bontemps